LEAP Growth Partners Program (GPP)
This Program has a portfolio 18 high-quality growth-stage businesses.
Our GPP Partners have unique technologies and capabilities in their domains with clear competitive advantages and deep sector experience.
They are on a growth path, and need management support, new partnerships, and capital, to maximize impact and achieve their goals.
Most have revenues between Rs 3-15 Crores (US$ 0.5 - 2Mn) and are building teams in anticipation of future growth.
The early growth stage is considered to be the loneliest part of the entrepreneurial journey. Over the long duration of the Program, our team, advisors, partners, and other program participants will become trusted advisors, sounding boards and friends.

Our program is flexible, designed to help you solve your greatest challenges and capitalize on your biggest opportunities.
Please contact us at info@LEAP-Cities.com if you would like to join the GPP, or wish to support these businesses or invest in them.
Below is more information about the GPP Partners. Please reach out to them if you have enquiries or opportunities.
Meet the Companies in the Growth Partners Program

EcoSattva Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
About 77 % of solid waste is not treated and is instead carried directly to open landfills. EcoSattva provides Solid Waste Management (SWM) services and also improves urban green cover and restores water bodies to improve urban living conditions and reverse environmental improvement. Their BOTRAM approach, currently deployed in 17 cities, helps municipalities streamline SWM management.
Gauri Mirashi
Natasha Zarine

Edible Routes Pvt. Ltd.
Edible Routes has created over 1,000 urban kitchen gardens, organic shared farms, and food forests so people can connect directly to the food they eat, thereby improving nutrition and reducing food miles and wastage. They pioneered shared ‘farmlets’ within small urban farms where customers receive complete technical support to grow and harvest their vegetables, in addition to a having quiet and green retreat.
Kapil Mandawewala

Ekam Eco Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Spun out of IIT-Delhi, Ekam develops technologies and products to conserve water, convert waste into resources using natural means, and protect the environment—including leading waterless urinal devices, organic housekeeping products, food waste composting solutions, and Bio-Toilets.
Co- Founder:
Uttam Banerjee
Sachin Joshi

FluxGen Engineering Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Industry uses about 20% of India’s water and its shortages are increasingly affecting productivity and revenue. FluxGen's flagship product AquaGen is an IoT and AI-based water management system that helps in measuring, monitoring, and reducing water usage by up to 30%. The company’s vision is to save 1 billion litres of water per day.
Ganesh Shankar

GPS Renewables Pvt. Ltd.
GPS has multiple patents to improve the stability and productivity of mid-large-scale bio-methanation plants to improve decentralized organic waste management. Their small-footprint systems use up to 90% less water and generate 30% more biogas which replaces fossil fuels (LPG/PNG) for cooking or water heating, providing customers a payback in 2-3 years.
Mainak Chakraborty
Sreekrishna Sankar
Praveen Sukumaran

Green Lantern Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Indian cities discharge over 60 billion liters of untreated sewage every day. Green Lantern has unique, proven technologies to treat wastewater with 70% less electricity and 30% less space than commonly used technologies. The company has delivered over 250 projects to marque clients like Foxconn, Bosch, and Prestige Estates, and its’ systems treat nearly 100 million liters of water per day.
Shravanth Donthi
Dr. Ravi Shankar Donthi

Living Greens Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Living Greens offers a complete, easy-to-use roof/garden organic farming system with high-quality online support, thereby allowing people to grow their own fresh organic vegetables and fruits. This not only ensures chemicals-free food, saves money, and reduces food wastage, but also reduces time from farm-to-plate to a few minutes (thus vastly increasing food’s nutrition), creates cooler roofs, produces oxygen, and positively impacts the urban environment, and addresses climate change.
Prateek Tiwari

Oorja Energy Engg Services Hyd Pvt. Ltd.
Oorja designs energy-efficient and renewable cooling solutions for commercial and industrial buildings, using 30-70% less electricity than alternative conventional systems. Its turnkey Cooling-as-a-Service (CAAS) uses a combination of radiant cooling and HVAC technologies and treated wastewater and IoT to lower the cost of ownership for clients like Coca-Cola, Wipro, and GE Healthcare, and maximize environmental impact.
Madhusudhan Rapole

Organica Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Organica has deep biotech R&D and product development capabilities to develop complex, safe bacterial cultures for Indian and global markets. Its products bind with and destroy odor molecules in public toilets, rapidly decompose organic waste and fecal matter, and ensure better nutrition to plants leading to improved yields and plant immunity which dramatically reduces the need for pesticides. Its top-performance household care products beat leading chemical competitors, catering to the budget-conscious yet environmentally-sensitive consumer.
Ganesh Kamath
Priyanka Kamath

Respirer Living Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
Too many Indian cities have unsafe air quality. Respirers’ best-of-breed Atmos IoT system with analytics and visualization engines for accurate and real-time monitoring and assessment of air quality enables industries and municipalities to protect worker and citizen health. Its systems provide nearly the same reliability as international players at a fraction of the cost. Research partners include IIT Kanpur, Microsoft Research, Ericsson, and CEPT University.
Ronak Sutaria
Satish Sutaria

PadCare Labs
India’s 4 million+ garbage pickers have to collect sanitary pads and diapers without suitable protective gear, and 100% of this waste goes to landfills and creates various biohazards and greenhouse gases. PadCare has designed and patented a set of revolutionary products to collect and process used sanitary pads into re-usable fiber and plastic. The next step is to address baby and adult diapers, and a host of other innovative and sustainable hygiene systems.
Ajinkya Dhariya
Rekha Dhariya

Snapex Overseas (GARV Toilets)
Incubated at IIT Kanpur, Garv manufactures robust and easy to maintain stainless steel public toilets that are IoT enabled, sensor-operated and self-cleaning, with decentralized fecal waste management operations. GARV has over 2,000 toilets deployed with municipalities, NGOs, and schools across 11 states and in Turkey and Ghana.
Mayank Midha
Megha Midha

Tide Technocrats Pvt. Ltd.
Tide offers technology solutions for effective operations of waste and fecal sludge treatment plants at institutional and municipal levels. The goal is to transform such facilities from dirty and undesirable places, into clean and efficient facilities. It has operating facilities in 8 towns and counts the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mysuru City Corporation, National Institute of Urban Management (Telangana) as customers.
N. Sampath Kumar

Vermigold Ecotech Pvt. Ltd.
Vermigold designs and manufactures high-quality, modular vermicomposting systems for treating organic waste for larger waste generators (mostly 50kg/day-2T/day), to generate excellent compost with no odor. Through extensive value engineering, their product has a much lower capital and lifecycle cost compared with most other organic waste composting technologies and products.
Jaideep Saptarshi

Vision Earthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Vision Earthcare provides EPC/Turnkey services to treat and recycle wastewater using natural eco-friendly technologies. Their patented SBT-CAMUS technology for STPs utilizes 1/3rd the energy of conventional technologies leading to very low operating costs and lifecycle cost of ownership. VEC has built over 250 systems, cumulatively treating 45 million liters of wastewater per day.
Chandrashekar Shankar

Waste Ventures India Pvt. Ltd.
Waste Ventures collects and processes both wet and dry waste, creating revenue and waste picker incomes from materials that traditional solid waste systems ignore. WVI works with >1,500 waste pickers and many corporate clients including Google, Infosys, Uber, Coca Cola, and HUL, and creates markets for waste that earlier went to landfills, thereby reducing the environmental impact of waste.
Edward Roshan Miranda
Sahithi Snigdha

Watsan Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.
For the 27+ million households in India that drink untreated water, Watsan manufactures affordable, electricity-free water purifiers that give potable water from any source of water, and can also remove arsenic and fluoride. Watsan has also developed ready-to-install toilets from solid waste dumped by the windmill blade manufacturers, so no water, sand, or cement is needed to construct toilets. It is developing local entrepreneurs who can build and install these toilets locally.
Chandrasekaran Jayaraman
P. N. Subramanian

Wenalytics IoT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
WIS delivers IoT-based Wireless Building Management Systems to digitalize static and dynamic data in all types of buildings to optimize operations. Electricity and water consumption can be reduced by 10-25%, and facility management staff can be optimized and made more effective through better systems and automation.
Hriday Bharadwaj
Sunil Manohar Desu